Aeronautical Academy, 81 places for official students

From 9 January the recruitment campaign of 81 Allievi Ufficiali is open at the Aeronautical Academy.

Applications for participation can be submitted within 30 days from the day following the publication of the announcement in the Official Gazette, 4ª Special Series.

The competition is open to Italian citizens who have completed the seventeenth year of age and have not passed the day of completion of the twenty-second year of age at the end of the deadline for submission of applications, who have achieved or are able to obtain a diploma. higher education suitable for enrollment at the University. Further information is available at the link:

The seats are divided according to the following employment profiles: 42 Seafarers positions, 10 places, the Role of Arms, 14 seats, the Corps of Aeronautics, 8 seats, the Corps of Aeronautical Commissariat, 7 seats, the Air Force Corps. More information on employment profiles can be found at the link:

The Aeronautics Academy, located in the municipality of Pozzuoli, is the training institute that has the task of providing the initial military, moral and professional training of young people destined to become AM Officials. The goal is to prepare young people officers with sound moral principles, motivated and in possession of the personal, military and professional qualities necessary to work well in the service of the country.

Aeronautical Academy, 81 places for official students

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