Steve Bannon: the new government, "Salvini and Di Maio together"

On the possible Italian government comes the comment from overseas by Steve Bannon, the ideologue of "alt-right", the American ultra-right who contributed to the election of Donald Trump.

Bannon has no doubts about what should be the government that should lead Italy, always according to the idealist League and Movement should govern together. "My dream is to see them rule together, they are different expressions of the same phenomenon and overcome, along with other minor groups, half of the voters"

Bannon adds that he prefers the leader Salvini to Di Maio because and explains that "the leader of the League represents the North, or three quarters of the national GDP, while the leader of Cinquestelle proposes the citizen's income, a version of the subsidized economy that will send bankruptcy the coffers of the Republic in less than two years. And he adds, “If Salvini governs with the cinquestelle he will be the driving force, if Salvini remains in the opposition he will be able to claim the credit for having defeated the corrupt like Berlusconi. If there is a government of national unity, Salvini will always impose the objectives at the heart of the middle class. So, however, the League will go to the future of Italy, which will snatch votes in the south from the five stars thanks to the positions on migrants ”. If all this "transforms Italy into the driving force of national populism" it is because "you are more creative than the British, French and Germans, you are a nation used to producing great changes".

Steve Bannon: the new government, "Salvini and Di Maio together"