Caserta: dangerous Romanian fugitive arrested

The Caserta State Police arrested a dangerous Romanian fugitive sought internationally for over a year and a half.

The forty-two-year-old convicted of property crimes was wanted for a European arrest warrant for a sentence returned to his country of origin to 9 years in prison.

In the 2010, in a bar in the town of Bicaz (Romania), he had attracted an underage girl with an apology in the bathroom of the public place. It was a trap because the man, with an accomplice, had then forced the young woman to suffer sexual violence.

The news episode had caused a stir in Romania and he was immediately arrested and put on trial. In December 2017, however, his sentence came when he was now released from prison and fled from Romania. The searches for the capture of the man were therefore extended internationally with a European arrest warrant.

The police of half of Europe have put themselves on its trail, being a very violent and dangerous subject who had also been convicted in Italy for crimes against property.

The busy work of the policemen of the mobile team in close collaboration with the International Police Cooperation Service has allowed, in recent days, to locate it in an apartment in the locality of Villa di Briano (CE) where he spent his absence due to the "coverage" of some countrymen.

Now the jurisdictional procedures for extradition and its redelivery in Romania will be activated.

Caserta: dangerous Romanian fugitive arrested