Credit: Abi, strengthens the role of banks for growth and the sustainable future

The two days Abi opens with institutions, businesses and consumers on the role of credit for the development of the economy

In a macroeconomic picture that seeks recovery in Italy through the export and consumption tolls, although further acceleration is needed, the role of banks in supporting families and businesses is confirmed. On the one hand, with a significant increase in total funding (+ 1,4% at the end of September 2017 over the previous year) for a total amount of over 1.763 billion, on the other with a huge effort to reorganize in terms of innovation and competitiveness, mainly due to the decline in net non-performing loans to 65,3 billion.

This is the first glimpse of the Eighth Edition of "Credit to 2017 Credits - Innovate to Speed ​​Up" with Institutional, Banking and Entrepreneurship representatives to focus on the core function of credit for the development of the economy.

Not only numbers to detail the conditions of the financing market in the new regulatory and competitive context but, in the current economic recovery phase, the banking and financial sector calls on the word "sustainability" as a major topic for the coming months with respect to the mortgage segment .

In particular, the goal is to increase commitment to Europe to promote the so-called "green" mortgage loans dedicated to high-energy buildings that could launch the "green revolution" of the home market in Italy.

In view of the contribution to economic growth, the Italian real estate stock could be an important test ground, accelerating on financing aimed at the restructuring of the many post-war Palaces that definitely need energy efficiency measures.

Meanwhile, the initiatives undertaken with the Consumer Associations and the Representation of Enterprises are continuing to suspend loan rates that have allowed them to breathe financially to many families and businesses in the toughest years of the economic crisis.

  • On the sole side of the business, it should be noted that from the first Common Notice on the Withdrawal of Charges (2009) and the current 2015 Credit Agreement currently in progress, interest rate moratorials affected 459.757 Pmi with a residual debt 125,7 billions of euros and more liquidity available to companies than 24,8 billion;
  • On the family side in agreement with the Consumer Associations: between March 2015 and August 2017, families 15.557 have already been able to suspend the share capital of their funding - between home and consumer credit - for 12 months - with a counter value total of 451 millions of euros.

Credit: Abi, strengthens the role of banks for growth and the sustainable future

| Economy, PRP Channel |