🎤Crosetto, to the microphones of "6 on Radio 1" confirms the coalition agreement on the name of the premier

Guido Crosetto, to the microphones of "6 on Radio 1", commenting on the indiscretions that Antonio Tajani, president of the European Parliament, would like to be the prime candidate for the center-right, specified that "The agreement that has been in the center that will reach the best result will indicate the name of the premier. If it is the Lega it will be Salvini, if it is Brothers of Italy it will be Meloni, if it is Forza Italia it will be Tajani. Nothing to say about Tajani. No party can afford, after it has made an agreement, to question the agreement ”.

Finally, speaking on the possibility of future coalitions between Berlusconi and Renzi or between Salvini and the M5S, should the vote of 4 March fail to deliver a majority that can govern, Crosetto concluded by saying that "There is a system in which we propose ourselves as coalition, therefore the first objective of the center-right is to reach the parliamentary majority through the vote and therefore with popular legitimacy. If the majority is not reached, there are probably parties more willing to make other alliances ”.

🎤Crosetto, to the microphones of "6 on Radio 1" confirms the coalition agreement on the name of the premier

| ITALY, PRP Channel |