Government, Conte: "also ready to pull the plug"

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Today will be a day of fire for the Government, especially for the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte. It starts with the vote of confidence in the Senate on the Budget Law and then moves on to a majority summit in the evening, in order to take stock of the first hundred tumultuous days of government and thus try to weave a kind of "road map" that can give a credible time horizon. The Prime Minister as a horizon thinks of a "2023 Agenda", Zingaretti, on the other hand, thinks of a "2020 Agenda", to end the disastrous experiment of the yellow-red government as soon as possible.

The concerns of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte were accentuated after some "indicators" reported by Corriere della Sera. 

During the last Council of Ministers, the minister Teresa Bellanova of Italia viva insisted until night to insert in the title of the decree for the Banca Popolare di Bari the word «Rescue» in place of "Relaunch". Then there are the frictions recorded between the Renzians and Di Maio, who would like to reveal the list of those who illegally obtained the credits.

After the vote in the Senate on the Budget Law, net of the possible surprises with the numbers of an increasingly narrow majority, Giuseppe Conte would like to try to put an end to the continuous quarrels that have marked the three months of his second Government.

Al Nazareno, the Corriere della Sera always writes, are fed up with the constant bickering between Di Maio and Renzi. The most impatient is Zingaretti who no longer hides his state of mind with the leaders of the Democratic Party. There is a strong feeling among the ranks of the Democratic Party that Renzi has signed a pact for the vote with Salvini, during the meeting never confirmed by those directly involved, at Denis Verdini's home. Renzi then would like to immediately go to the polls to vote with the "Rosatellum": it would guarantee him the 3% barrier.

Many of the Democratic Party even regret the choice of Giuseppe Conte as premier: "It was better to send to Palazzo Chigi Di Maio, who had the numbers to stabilize the majority".

Tonight, around 21 pm the showdown, many hot dossiers will have to be dealt with, such as Alitalia, Ilva and Libya, trying to relaunch government action. What is certain is that it sounds strange to relaunch a government that was born just over 90 days ago. It seems more like an extreme maneuver to revive something already dead. Giuseppe Conte, Palazzo sources say, is particularly worried - almost fed up - by the constant "no" of Italia Viva and the constant hesitation of Luigi Di Maio, so much so that he would have said: "If government verification fails, I would be the first to acknowledge it and pull the plug".


Government, Conte: "also ready to pull the plug"