CGIA: we work 5 months to pay taxes, decreasing fiscal pressure of 0,5%

In addition to commemorating the Republic Day, the CGIA reports that the next 2 June Italians will also celebrate the long-awaited "tax freedom day".

In other words, after 5 months from the beginning of 2018 (equal to 152 working days), the Italian average taxpayer will have fulfilled all tax obligations of the year (IRPEF, excise tax, IMU, TASI, VAT, Tari, various additional, Irap , Ires, etc.) and from the 2 June will start earning for himself and his family.

An exercise, the CGIA makes known, completely abstract which, however, gives the dimension of how immense the tax and contribution levy from the portfolios of Italians is.

How did June 2 come to be identified as the “tax release day” of 2018? The Research Department examined this year's estimate of the national GDP and divided it over 365 days, thus obtaining an average daily figure. Subsequently, he considered the revenue forecasts of social security contributions, taxes and fees that income earners will pay in 2018 and compared them to daily GDP. The result of this operation made it possible to calculate this year's “tax release day”.

"Net of any corrective measures, says the coordinator of the Office of the CGIA Paolo Zabeo, this year the tax burden is expected to fall by half a percentage point compared to the average figure of 2017, to attest, gross of the effect of Renzi bonus, at the 42,1 percent. A descent still too slow and almost imperceptible that, for the current year, is attributable, in particular, to the growth of GDP and only minimally to the reduction of taxes ".

Although it has been decreasing since 2013, in the last 25 years the earliest "tax freedom day" occurred in 2005. On that occasion, with the Berlusconi II government, the tax burden stood at 39,1 per cent and it was enough for Italian taxpayers to reach May 24 (143 working days) to shake off the tax yoke.

Always observing the calendar, the most "delayed" one, instead, registered in the 2012 (leap year). Recall that in that year at the helm of the country was prof. Mario Monti. This negative result occurred because the tax burden reached the historical record of the 43,6 percent and, consequently, the "day of tax liberation" was celebrated "only" the 9 June (after well 160 working days).

From 2014 to today we have always "released" from paying taxes first because the tax burden has started to decrease following the cancellation of the Tasi on the first house, the introduction of the "Renzi bonus" and a series of measures to alleviate 'IRAP on labor costs, for the temporary abolition of social security contributions for newly hired employees with a permanent contract, for the Ires cut, for the recovery of GDP and also following the freezing of local taxes. In fact, since 2016, it should be remembered that, with the exception of the Tari, all other local taxes (Imu, Tasi, Irap, additional regional / municipal Irpef, Tosap, car tax, etc.) have been frozen by law.

"Net of the resounding electoral promises announced in recent weeks by a good part of the big politicians - concludes Paolo Zabeo - by the end of this year, those called to govern the country will have to recover almost 12,5 billion euros to sterilize 'yet another safeguard clause, otherwise from 1 January 2019 the VAT rate of 10 percent will rise to 11,5 and that currently at 22 will rise to 24,2 percent ".

In 2016 (the last year in which it is possible to make a comparison with EU countries), Italian taxpayers worked for the tax authorities until 2 June (154 working days), i.e. 4 days more than the average recorded in the EU countries. euro area and 9 if, on the other hand, the comparison is made with the average of the 28 countries that make up the European Union.

If we compare the Italian "tax freedom day" with that of our main economic competitors, only France has a number of days of work necessary to pay taxes significantly higher (+ 21), while all the others have been able to celebrate the tax liberation with a clear advance. In Germany, for example, 7 days before us, in the Netherlands 12, in the United Kingdom 27 and in Spain 28. Ireland is the most virtuous country; with a tax burden of 23,6 percent it allows its taxpayers to discharge tax obligations in only 86 business days.

CGIA: we work 5 months to pay taxes, decreasing fiscal pressure of 0,5%

| Economy, Economics, PRP Channel |