North Korea: inaugurates new ski facility in Kanggye near the border with China

As reported by the state-owned KCTV network, North Korea completed construction and opened another ski resort in Kanggye, Jagang province, near the border with China. The multi-purpose facility includes alpine ski runs, tobogganing and a medical center, and mainly aimed at the sports activities of younger athletes.

The plant is spread over the surface of 50.000 square meters, much less than the space occupied by the Masikryong Ski Resort, built at the beginning of 2014 a few tens of kilometers from Wonsan, Gangwon province, under the strict guidelines of the leader Kim Jong-un.

The country has several ski resorts originally built to attract tourists and collect foreign currency, also giving shape to the passion for snow by Kim, born in her youth during her college years in Switzerland.

North Korea: inaugurates new ski facility in Kanggye near the border with China