Pyongyang threatens to sink Japan and cut off ashore in America

New threats come from Pyongyang, which announces that it wants to use nuclear weapons to "sink" Japan and "reduce the United States to ashes and darkness". They are launched by the North Korean Committee for Asia-Pacific Peace, which manages the regime's external relations and propaganda activity.

The Committee accuses the two countries of holding them responsible for the resolution by which the UN approved new sanctions against North Korea following its latest nuclear test. And the Committee, quoted by the North Korean news agency KCNA, is also aiming at the dissolution of the UN Security Council, considered an "instrument of evil", made up of "countries corrupted by money" that respond to orders from the United States.

The statement released by the North Korean Committee reads: “The 4 islands of the archipelago should be sent to the bottom by the Juche nuclear bomb. Japan must no longer exist beside us ”.

Pyongyang threatens to sink Japan and cut off ashore in America

| MONDO, PRP Channel |