Terrorism, al Qaeda: 4 years ago the 12th issue of Inspire was released with the "Santa Claus strategy"


(by Franco Iacch) Tactically that number still represents a clear and immediate guide to carry out attacks and escape the countermeasures of the West. Nothing to do with the cartoons of the sympathizers advertised without control and raised to official threats. The 12th number should still be studied today for its completeness. In the directory called "Open Source Jihad”The authors tried to clarify the role of the lone wolf. Of particular interest is the editorial by Yahya Ibrahim on the Boston massacre which is linked to the guide to making homemade IEDs (among the best ever published). Numerous references to asymmetrical tactics in urban contexts. No reference to the mower theorized later: the car is still intended as a tool to camouflage the IEDs. The 12th issue of Inspire also suggested the best times of the year for a terrorist attack. Christmas was considered a propitious occasion to kill infidels: "Dress up as Santa Claus and blow yourself up". Finally, the analysis by theologian Ibrahim Rubaish on the alleged decline of al Qaeda, which today numbers about 40 fighters around the globe, should be carefully studied.

Four years after its release on the net, the 4th issue of Inspire is still a surprising text today. Strategies, urban guerrilla tactics, advice, analysis of Western thought and insights judged with scorn by most of the time, are still implemented all over the world by terrorists. For example, advice from “AQ Chef” on how to assemble a grenade with simple household items such as gas cylinders and nails. And again the guide to "set the match timer". The role of the car bomb. The passage is clear: “The car bomb is used to kill people, but not to destroy buildings. So look for specific occasions such as electoral campaigns or charity parties ”. That reference to Christmas was intended as the beginning of a journey (March) towards the precise moment (the attack). This does not mean that the figure of the Santa Claus could not be replaced by any other subject (Easter bunny later theorized). Many of those tips were implemented in the attacks that took place between March 12 and today. The numerous philosophical dissertations on Western thought, the concept of resistance, group cohesion and the dehumanization of the enemy should be studied.