Elections, over 4 million Italians abroad: they can indicate 18 parliamentarians

Italians residing abroad on 4 March  they will elect twelve deputies and six senators. Today the Farnesina, which together with the Viminale manages the vote of our compatriots outside the Italian borders, communicated the numbers relating to these voters. A distinction must be made between those who are long-term residents abroad (who are therefore registered in the Registry of Italians residing abroad or AIRE) and those who are outside Italy for a short period (not less, however, three months).

The latter, the Farnesina said today, are 30.848. These are the compatriots abroad who exercised a specific option by January 31, deciding not to return to their Italian municipalities to vote. London is confirmed as the constituency with the largest number of temporary voters (over 4 thousand) followed by Brussels, Paris, Madrid and The Hague.

The numbers of Italians enrolled in theAIR: I'm 4.282.990 (700mila more than the 2013). It is said that they will all vote: five years ago, they were in just under a million to express their preference.

Four are the foreign constituencies

If for Italy the electoral law 'Rosatellum' provides for a majority-proportional system, for the rest of the world there are specific rules. The foreign constituency is in turn divided into four areas, each of which elects a certain number of parliamentarians.

Europe (including Turkey and Russia) will indicate 5 deputies and 2 senators.

South America 4 and 2.

North and Central America 2 and 1.

The remaining region, which includes Africa and Asia, 1 and 1.

The numbers listed above are the result of law no. 459 of 2001, according to which “in each of the foreign divisions a deputy and a senator are elected”, which are the minimum for each of the four areas. "The other seats are distributed among the same divisions in proportion to the number of Italian citizens residing there, on the basis of whole ratios and the highest remainders".

Voting takes place by correspondence. Alternatively, the Italian citizen residing abroad could opt (within the tenth day following the calling of the elections) to vote in Italy, in the municipality on whose electoral lists he is registered (when deciding on residence abroad, in fact, yes however, it remains registered in a special register of its Italian municipality). The voter receives an envelope at his foreign address, votes and returns the envelope to the Consulate of residence, which will turn it to a special collection center in Italy. The exceptions are countries (such as Libya and Iraq) where conditions do not allow to vote securely by post: voters must therefore, inevitably, vote in Italy.


Elections, over 4 million Italians abroad: they can indicate 18 parliamentarians

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