MIPAAF: decree signed for the promotion of the use of advanced biomethane. opportunities for the agricultural sector

The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies makes it known that the Interministerial Decree was signed today to support the production and distribution of advanced biofuels, including advanced biomethane.

This decree constitutes another step for the enhancement of renewable energy sources of agricultural origin in Italy, important for the transition of our country towards more environmentally friendly fuel sources.

This Decree provides an indicative budget of 4,7 billion euro and is intended for plants that will enter service between 2018 and 2022.

The potential development of biomethane in the agricultural sector is considerable and can be an important driving force for sustainable development and for the growth of employment in our midday too, with an important return in terms of GDP and impact on local supply chains, which is higher than that of other types of investment and / or renewable energy sources.

The Decree in particular provides:

  • the extension of the investment access period beyond the previous limit of the 2020. In this context, the targets for the release of advanced biofuels into consumption have been reiterated and strengthened, with a path of growth that has already been outlined and which will lead to overcoming the indicators set at the European level;
  • the increase in guarantees of remuneration of investments, through a mechanism of "withdrawal" of the Certificates of Input for Consumption (CIC) by the GSE at a pre-established price. This mechanism will also allow farms to invest in the production of biomethane from zootechnical waste and by-products of agricultural activities.
  • improvement of the prospects for the biomethane conversion of biogas plants;
  • the inclusion of new prospects for the use of biomethane in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) which can contribute to a further increase in the gas market in the transport sector.

MIPAAF: decree signed for the promotion of the use of advanced biomethane. opportunities for the agricultural sector