George H.Bush does not support the death of his wife Barbara. Hospitalized in intensive care

Former American President George H. Bush, 93, tried by the recent death of his lifelong partner Barbara, to whom he had been married for 73 years, was hospitalized in intensive care at the Methodist hospital in Houston, in Texas. 

The news was released by the family spokesperson. The admission, which took place on Sunday morning, that is to say the day after his Barbara's funeral, seems to have been necessary following the contraction of an infection spread through the blood.

According to Jim McGrath:

“The President, he is responding to medical treatments and appears to be recovering. We will update on developments in the coming hours ".

Medical sources and others close to the family, however, explain that the former president was hospitalized in critical condition and that the contracted infection seriously endangers the life of George H. Bush.

Above all to worry about blood pressure, which would have plummeted in the last few hours at least a couple of times when there was fear for the worst. Now it would have stabilized but Bush's advanced age and already precarious health complicate the general clinical picture.

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George H.Bush does not support the death of his wife Barbara. Hospitalized in intensive care