MILAN - violent teacher treated in arrest by the carabinieri

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Milan have executed an order for custody under house arrest, issued by the GIP at the Court of Monza, against an Italian teacher, 45enne, held responsible for mistreating children.

The investigation, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor of Monza and conducted by the Carabinieri of the Varedo (MB) station, originates from a complaint presented by the head of a local educational institution, to which reports were received from some parents of children from 4 to the 6 years of age with which they complained of episodes of mistreatment against the minors.

The investigation, carried out also with the aid of technical activities, has allowed to document the conduct, as well as violent, consisting of tugging and slapping, also verbally aggressive, prevaricatrice and inducent a condition of fear, submission and continuous constraint, put in place by the teacher towards the children.

MILAN - violent teacher treated in arrest by the carabinieri