Nightmare terrorism, stolen truck loaded with explosives in Belgium. Maximum alert to Italian crossings

According to the alarm triggered thanks to Interpol, which is currently involving all the police in Europe and more specifically the sections of the anti-terrorism, has taken, throughout the old continent the hunt for a truck loaded with material to produce explosives . The vehicle in question, whose original license plate number is 1-QEB-708, is the TIR trailer loaded with explosives and other bomb-making material and has been stolen in Belgium.
The hypotheses most accredited by the investigators are that the thieves have changed the license plates to leave Belgium, or have taken it to a safe area where to download the material and perhaps redistribute it on other less identifiable means.
Italian intelligence immediately alerted the border police. The Italian border crossing points are under strict surveillance, but there is a state of maximum alert throughout Europe.
It is not yet clear whether the vehicle has transited on Italian territory, or not.


Nightmare terrorism, stolen truck loaded with explosives in Belgium. Maximum alert to Italian crossings