'Words of innovation' and 'Words of sustainability' arrive, new episodes to listen to and also read, dedicated to the main solutions to support access and operations in banks and sustainable finance. These are Abi's podcasts, which in a simple and immediate way describe the main terms and concepts you need to know to move in the world of multi-channel and innovation and in that of sustainability. The initiative is part of the proposals of the Financial Education Month, the event promoted at national level by the Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities, taking place in October.
In total there are 10 online episodes to listen to, but also to read thanks to a text version of the contents, via a folding brochure. With these new podcasts, Abi makes short insights available to citizens, even less experienced ones, with the aim of supporting them in understanding the issues related to the world of banking and savings and how this is changing in light of digital transformation and sustainable transition.
Created by ABI, the Italian Banking Association, with the support of the Spoken Book Center of the UICI, the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired Onlus APS, the initiative is in collaboration with the consumer associations ACU, Adiconsum, Adoc, Altroconsumo, Assoutenti, Consumer House, User Consumer Protection Centre, Cittadinanzattiva, Codacons, Confconsumatori, Federconsumatori, Consumer League, Consumer Movement, Citizen Defense Movement, U.Di.Con, National Consumer Union.
Words of innovation
'Words of innovation' are short insights to learn more about the economic aspects linked to innovation in the bank, multi-channel and accessibility. The podcast is developed as part of joint work between the banking sector and consumer associations and represents a novelty among the training and information tools promoted by Abi. Accessibility and digital channels to promote inclusion, Physical accessibility, Identity theft, Instant payments: episode after episode, these are the aspects highlighted to support citizens' ability to use technologies and interact with them in a competent manner and positive, and in choosing the most useful banking solutions and services for one's needs.
Words of sustainability'
The 'Words of Sustainability' series is developed as part of ABI's work with consumer associations on sustainable finance and Agenda 2030, to promote the sustainable development objectives defined by the United Nations. These new episodes strengthen a path already started: the new episodes represent the second part of an information and training project launched last October. These are the new topics covered: Financial education; ESG, i.e. the environmental, social and economic factors to be considered for the development of activities capable of contributing to achieving more equitable, inclusive and lasting growth; Green Deal, the 'green' pact for sustainability in Europe; Sustainable mobility; Sharing economy or sharing economy; Ecological transition. The podcast therefore focuses on the citizen and his ability to play a significant role in the development of sustainable practices, both in consumption and production and in investment, which are increasingly respectful of the environment, people and the context in which they live.
Where to listen to the podcasts and download the brochure
The audio episodes are all available on the Abi website www.abi.it. From the same links (www.abi.it/mercati/responsabilita-sociale-dimpresa/parole-di-associazione/ and
www.abi.it/mercati/responsabilita-sociale-dimpresa/parole-di-sostenibilita/) it is also possible to download the folding brochure with the text version of the contents, for wider accessibility. The series can also be listened to on the Spreaker podcasting platform on the following web pages www.spreaker.com/show/parole-di-associazione and www.spreaker.com/show/parole-di-sostenibilita.
The initiative is part of the activities that ABI and the banks carry out to encourage the use of banking and financial information, through the dissemination of information and educational tools on topics of interest to customers, and is in synergy with the implementation of the commitments promoted by the UN Agenda 2030.
With the launch of the initiative, for its wider dissemination, this new information and educational tool aimed at customers is made available to the UICI, consumer associations and all banks.