Banks: Abi, extended to July 2018 the agreement on the suspension of payments to SMEs

The 31 Credit Agreement extended to 2018 July 2015 which, among other things, allows the suspension of the payment of the installments' principal amount and the extension of loans for SMEs.

Abi communicates this by highlighting the collaborative work for this new result with Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane (Agci, Confcooperative Legacoop), Cia, Claai, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Confapi, Confedilizia, Confetra, Confimi Industria, Confindustria, Rete Imprese Italia (Cna, Confartigianato) , Confersercenti, Confcommercio, Casartigiani).

Overall, from March 2015 to November 2017, according to the most recent data from periodic monitoring, 17.787 applications for suspension of payment of installments were accepted for a total countervalue of residual debt equal to 5,1 billion euros and greater liquidity available to businesses of 656 millions of euros.

Furthermore, 8.202 applications for the extension of the amortization plan equal to 1,6 billion euros of residual debt were accepted.

The analysis on the distribution of applications for economic activity of the applicant undertaking shows that:

  • the 21,5% of the applications refers to companies in the "business and hotel" sector;
  • the 13,6% of the applications refers to companies in the "industry" sector;
  • the 16,2% of the applications refers to companies in the "construction and public works" sector;
  • the 12,6% of the applications refers to companies in the "craft" sector;
  • the 9,3% of the applications refers to companies in the "agriculture" sector;
  • the remaining 26,8% to "other services".

All the SMEs operating in Italy, including those presenting certain financial difficulties, can benefit from the operations envisaged by the Agreement, provided that at the time the application is presented, they do not have debt positions classified as "bad loans", "probable defaults". "Or exposures past due and / or exceeding over 90 days (" performing "companies) in relation to loans outstanding at the date of 31 March 2015.

Banks: Abi, extended to July 2018 the agreement on the suspension of payments to SMEs