Abi: the December 31 expires the deadline to extinguish the bearer savings books

The next December 31 expires the deadline set by the anti-money laundering legislation to extinguish still existing bearer books. Therefore, only a few days remain available to all those who have this type of booklet and must make it extinction within the terms established by law.
For this it is essential that those who have a booklet bearer go to their bank before December 31 and require regular extinction so as not to incur the penalties provided by the legislation in force. In fact, for all the latecomers, that is, for all the booklet holders who should present themselves at the counter after the end of the December 31, the bank will be obliged to forward a communication to the Ministry of Economy and Finance which may apply a fine from 250 to 500 euro.
Below is a link to the brochure "How to use cash, checks, accounts and savings or deposit passbooks". Following the link to the informative video made ad hoc for the web by the Italian Banking Association in the context of the communication campaign on the topic. It is possible to link this information content.
Link brochure:
Abi video link:

Abi: the December 31 expires the deadline to extinguish the bearer savings books

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