Abi: The financial culture for the growth of Italy at the center of a day of study

A reflection on multiple voices on the culture that gives rise to economic and financial choices. This is what the conference "Financial education for the growth of Italy, information, protection of savings, sustainability and culture" is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday 27 February, in Florence, promoted by the Italian Banking Association (ABI) together with Acri , the Association of Foundations and Casse di Risparmio Spa, and Feduf, the Foundation for financial education and savings.

The meeting will be an opportunity to reflect on sustainability and financial education and to take stock of the commitment of the banking world for the dissemination of basic economic skills, to meet the needs of financial culture of citizens. A commitment that Abi has also included within its own statute, and which also promotes through the activities and projects of financial education implemented throughout the national territory by Feduf, founded on the initiative of the same Abi.

Antonio Patuelli, President of Abi, will speak at the event; Salvatore Rossi, General Manager of the Bank of Italy and President of Ivass; Giuseppe Guzzetti, Acri President; Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, President of Intesa Sanpaolo; for Feduf Corrado Sforza Fogliani, President of the National Association of Popular Banks; Giuseppe Morbidelli, President of CESIFIN Alberto Predieri Foundation. The meeting will be chaired and moderated by Francesco Carrassi, Director of the Nation.

At the end of the event, there will be the award ceremony of the "Finance for Social" Award promoted by Abi, Feduf and Fiaba for practicing journalists, now in its fourth edition.

Abi: The financial culture for the growth of Italy at the center of a day of study

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