Abi, urges urgent measures to revive the economy

The ABI Chairmanship Committee, meeting under the chairmanship of Antonio Patuelli, approved the document that will be delivered to the Government during this meeting this afternoon.

The ABI is committed to and urges urgent measures to counter the slowdown in the economy and encourage businesses to deal with banks, as well as the suspension of mortgages in emergency territories. The ABI is engaged with other business associations in updating the "Credit Agreement" to extend the moratoriums possible with current European standards. Even greater moratoriums to guarantee the liquidity of companies will be possible if Italy obtains suspension from the European Authorities of at least the most stringent regulations in force.

In addition, the ABI, again to encourage liquidity for businesses, asks the Government and Parliament first of all to increase the resources and possibilities of interventions of the Guarantee Fund for SMEs, to speed up payments by the Public Administration as much as possible, to relaunch investments as quickly as for the reconstruction of the Morandi bridge.

The ABI asks the Italian institutions to urge the European Union to make maximum use of the European Solidarity Fund and the European Fund for Strategic Investments, to exclude investments in healthcare structures from the Stability Pact, to suspend the strictest credit rules deteriorated to favor moratoriums and liquidity for businesses.

Abi, urges urgent measures to revive the economy

| Economics |