MIPAAFT, Centinaio: signed decree for funds to companies damaged by bad weather

It was signed by the Minister of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies, Sen. Gian Marco Centinaio, the decree to divide the 2018 funds of the National Solidarity Fund among the regions concerned. The total amount of available resources is € 13.005.560. The funds will be made available to companies which, due to exceptional natural disasters, have suffered damage to non-insurable business structures and for the restoration of infrastructures related to agricultural activities.
"We have decided to speed up the times to put the damaged farms in good condition to start again as soon as possible, consistent with the times of the bureaucratic procedures. The national solidarity fund is not unlimited, I can assure that we have allocated all the resources we had at our disposal ", commented Minister Gian Marco Centinaio.
The regions concerned, to which funds will be transferred for the provision of economic aid to the damaged agricultural areas, through subsequent measures, are Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Marche, Umbria, Lazio , Basilicata and Calabria.

MIPAAFT, Centinaio: signed decree for funds to companies damaged by bad weather

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