Careers reordering, the new grades can now be worn

The reorganization of careers does not only mean salary adjustment but also the enhancement of professionalism and experience of non-executive staff, with particular reference to the roles of rank-and-file graduates, sergeants and sergeants and marshals, as well as to achieve a more harmonious advancement system, such as to reward merit and standardize the treatment of personnel within the Defense and Security sector.

The definition of the new grades for qualifications and special positions, introduced with the reorganization of careers, represents the point of arrival of this important process. From today you can also wear, the application circulars of the Major States have arrived at the individual Armed Forces departments.

The new grades, for the realization of which both the indications from the Armed Forces and the Guardia di Finanza, and the opinion of the Military Representation were taken into account, were conceived "to ensure the necessary homogeneity and identifiability within of the sector, providing for the addition of new elements, but without affecting the shape of the current ones and safeguarding the historical roots of the uniforms. It was thus decided to distinguish the special qualifications - for the degrees of Chief Corporal Chosen / Appointed Chief "Special Qualification" and for the degrees of Sergeant Major / Chief Brigadier "Special Qualification" - by adding a star five-pointed to current grades. On the other hand, the shape of the degrees of the Lieutenant remains unchanged, while the top degree of the Marshals Role - First Lieutenant "Special Qualification" for the Army, Navy and Air Force and Lieutenant "Special Charge" for the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza - is characterized by the its red background and the presence of two stars to surmount the characteristic three tracks. 

Careers reordering, the new grades can now be worn

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