Xylella: Hundred, 2018 extraordinary plan starts

“I keep every promise. I have not left the farmers alone and I answer with facts. I want to thank Minister Lezzi who, through his Ministry, has formalized the transfer of 30 million euros from the development and cohesion fund to agriculture. These resources are in addition to those disbursed in previous years and with which it is finally possible to kick off the long-awaited extraordinary plan to fight Xylella fastidiosa for 2018. For 2019 we will put another 70 million euros ".

This was announced by the Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, sen. Gian Marco Centinaio. "We are working to put all possible resources in favor of olive growing and for the revival of the rural economy of the regions affected by the spread of the bacterium. A large part of the funds will be aimed at restoring the productive potential of the territories, but also at important prevention and contrast measures to the carrier, as well as research and experimentation that continues to play a fundamental role in the study of all the factors of the epidemic. "

Xylella: Hundred, 2018 extraordinary plan starts

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