AIFA: drug for cough and colds withdrawn from pharmacies. Here is the brand, the lots and info

The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) has ordered the withdrawal from pharmacies of 12 batches of a drug used for the therapy and treatment of coughs and colds.

Specifically, these are the batches of the medicinal specialty CARBOCISTEINE EG n. 1701 with expiration 04-2019, 1702 with expiration 05-2019, 1703 with expiration 05-2019, 1704 with expiration 09-2019, 1705 with expiration 09-2019, 1706 with expiration 09-2019, 017 with expiration 09-2019, 027 expiring 09-2019, 038 expiring 04-2020, 048 expiring 04-2020, 058 expiring 06-2020 and 068 expiring 07-2020.

The provision, underlines Giovanni D'Agata, president of the “Rights Desk”, was necessary following the communication by the manufacturer concerning out-of-specification results due to an impurity found during the stability studies.

CARBOCYSTEINE EG is used for the therapy and treatment of various diseases and pathologies such as Bronchiectasis, Acute Pharyngitis, Influenza, Acute Laryngitis, Chronic Laryngitis, Pneumonia, Colds, Allergic Rhinitis, Cough. The EG company has communicated the start of the withdrawal procedure that the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Health is invited to verify.

AIFA: drug for cough and colds withdrawn from pharmacies. Here is the brand, the lots and info

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