Artena: a 23-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri in a car without a license and with a baseball bat

The police checkpoint does not stop and after a daring chase the young man from Artemisia is stopped and taken to the barracks. Without a license and with a baseball bat on board the car, he was sentenced, in an abbreviated manner, by the judge of Velletri to 6 months with a suspended sentence, validating the arrest.


The day before last night, in Artena (RM), the soldiers of the Radiomobile Division of the Compagnia di Colleferro, as part of a targeted prevention service aimed at combating predatory crimes, arrested a 23 year old from Artento, already known, seriously suspected of resisting a public official.

It was just after midnight, when the 23-year-old, in via Velletri, driving a vehicle, at the availability of his father, did not comply with the command given to him by the military and fled and after a short chase, in which he carried out maneuvers that generated danger for his own safety and that of other road users, he was stopped a few kilometers away.

During the in-depth checks, the police ascertained that the 23-year-old had never obtained a driving licence, a conduct which had already been repeated in the past, and subjected to a search he was found in possession of a baseball bat subjected to seizure. The vehicle, however, was returned to the owner.

The 23-year-old was arrested flagrantly for resisting a public official, reported for carrying objects capable of offending and will also have to pay a huge fine. Yesterday morning, the 23-year-old appeared before the judge of the Court of Velletri who, during the abbreviated trial, validated the arrest, sentencing him to 6 months with a suspended sentence.

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Artena: a 23-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri in a car without a license and with a baseball bat

| RM 30 |