(by Massimiliano D'Elia) In the end Matteo Renzi won, he turned off the spotlight on Giuseppe Conte and interrupted the common thread between M5S and Pd, the type I created you and I destroyed you. It is no coincidence that what we wrote about a month ago has been confirmed, the Pd with the remote control triggered Renzi's Iv to make Count 2 capitulate. The façade protests of those of the Democratic Party in front of the abyss were too mild, the contributions of Zingaretti's colonels during the days of negotiations conducted by President Fico were not very effective. Now the die is cast, as they wanted Mario Draghi will go up to Colle to receive the mandate from President Mattarella who last night in seven minutes of speech called for an executive of national unity. 

Allies of Matteo Renzi, so to speak, Salvini and Berlusconi who have been able to defuse those responsible ready to jump into the ranks of the Contiani. A masterpiece that made by Lega and Forza Italia that thanks to Renzi will now be able to suggest projects and deadlines to Draghi, but above all sit at the table that will decide the Italian Recovery Plan. Il Messaggero reports that Super-Mario has already made his very private "consultations", especially on the Lega side where he has long played in Bocconi Giancarlo Giorgetti a reference point. The appeal that Mattarella made last night to all political forces to support a government that allows the country to overcome the health and economic emergency, has silenced the controversy and mutual accusations. Shortly after, it was the turn of Giovanni Grasso, spokesman for the Head of State, to announce the convocation of Draghi for this morning.

Mattarella's initiative is fully shared by the Democratic Party and opposed by the Movement because in this way they are put back on the corner of the political scene. In light of the Grillino disappointment, pro-Draghi accounts are already beginning to be done in the Senate, where the votes of Forza Italia and Lega become decisive, given that the line of the Brothers of Italy, already declared, is only the elections.

The question arises, how long will the new Draghi government last?With a memorable turn of the political scene, he depends on Lega and Forza Italia. While Matteo Renzi rejoices over a victory that brings him back to the center of the stage, Zingaretti be careful, the senator from Rignano is ready to take back the Democratic Party, most likely reopening a new Nazarene with Berlusconi. Asphalt 5Stelle, Giuseppe Conte and Rocco Casalino who succumbed to the lure of the "delirium of omnipotence", thus relentlessly capitulating.
