Banks: Abi publishes the new Communication on Engagement

Abi's new Communication on Engagement (COE) is online, as a member of the United Nations Global Compact.

The third edition of the document describes Abi's commitment in the 2017-2018 two-year period, to support the dissemination of the Ten Principles of the Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, through the activities carried out with banks and in relation to various reference communities, in an international scenario that supports the development of sustainable finance, within the framework of the 2030 Agenda and the related 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A path outlined, among other things, by the Task Force on the transparency of information relating to the financial risk associated with climate change - TCFD - of the Financial Stability Board and by the European Commission with the Plan to finance sustainable growth.

“The banking sector is particularly committed to contributing to the definition of clear rules that can develop the supply and demand of financial services that promote environmental protection, combating climate change, social equity and the development of practices of business management oriented towards sustainable development ”, writes the General Director of ABI, Giovanni Sabatini, in the preface to the communication.

In particular, the initiatives gathered in the Communication on Engagement refer to the following areas of activity: environmental sustainability, social sustainability and business management models; financial education and savings; access to banking services for the most vulnerable customer segments; legality and the fight against corruption and crime; families and businesses; labor and welfare policies; environmental protection and combating climate change. The activities developed by the ABI contribute to the achievement of the "United Nations Sustainable Development Goals", as highlighted at the beginning of each section of the document.

Abi has joined 2005 at the United Nations Global Compact and has contributed from the beginning to the development of a national network for the promotion of the Ten Principles of the Global Compact in Italy, contributing as a founding member to the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation.

Banks: Abi publishes the new Communication on Engagement

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