Biden flies to the Middle East as Putin goes to his new ally, Iran

Diplomatic relations are fervent between the countries, everyone is looking for a way out for the issue of energy and wheat but also to re-establish a balance in the world order which has become more and more precarious every day and in function of the Ukrainian war. Almost all the states that are facing difficult economic problems while trying to redesign a lasting peace project that once again favor the free market, free from the opposing sanctions that have often turned against the same sanctions, are affected by this new course.

In this very fluid context, Joe Biden left for the Middle East - he lands in Saudi Arabia today - while Vladimir Putin will fly to Tehran next week. Biden's goal is to persuade Arab countries to apply sanctions to Russia by trying to quell old grudges.

Putin, on the other hand, will go to Tehran to tighten more and more the nascent commercial relations and to finalize the purchase of hundreds of drones that have proved particularly lethal in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, overcoming the American air defenses.

On the other unresolved issues there is the question of Ukrainian displaced persons pressing on Iranian borders and the grain dossier. On the first openings to the transit of merchant ships from the Dardanelles towards the Black Sea, an interlocutory and probably acceptable agreement is increasingly making its way: the Turks together with the UN will guarantee through inspections that incoming ships do not smuggle weapons and the Ukrainians undertake to escorting the merchantmen among the mines that protect their ports, while the Russians would ensure a respite in that stretch of sea.

Biden flies to the Middle East as Putin goes to his new ally, Iran