Bonus 200 euros. The procedures for requesting the review are open

 The categories of workers who have applied for access to the one-off allowance provided for by the Aid Decree (Decree-Law No. 17 of 2022 May 50) where the same has been rejected can now submit a request for re-examination. 

The outcome of the applications and the related reasons for rejection can be consulted on the INPS website, through the service called "One-time allowance of 200 euros", under the heading "Outcomes". The outcome of the automated investigation is visible both by citizens, after accessing the portal with their credentials, and by the patronages. 

The user can submit a request for re-examination by accessing the section of the site from which the request was sent ("One-time indemnity of 200 euros"). For requests in the status of "Rejected" the "Request review" button is available, which allows you to enter the reason for the request and - using the "Attach documentation" function - any supporting documents.

Please refer to the consultation of circular 73/2022 and message 4314/2022 for the verification of the requirements identified by the Legislator for each profile among the potential beneficiaries. 

Finally, it should be noted that holders of NASpI and DIS-COLL for the month of June 2022, in order to access the one-off indemnity must have actually received the unemployment benefit in the indicated period, as established by article 32, paragraph 9, of the aid decree. Similarly, for the indemnity provided for by the Decree Aiuti ter, the so-called Bonus 150, the same will benefit from the benefit in February 2023 if they actually received unemployment in November 2022.

Bonus 200 euros. The procedures for requesting the review are open

| Economics, ITALY |