But what a reshuffle, the ministers will not resign and then it will be "chaos"

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Last night at Palazzo Chigi real consultations. The M5S showed up with Vito Crimi, Alfonso Bonafede, Luigi Di Maio e Stephen Patuanelli. Nobody wanted to talk about reshuffle. On Facebook, Di Maio"Talking about armchairs in the face of a crisis like the one we are experiencing is surreal. We asked for respect on very important measures such as the renewal of the eco-bonus, the conflict of interest, the stop to drilling and the lowering of taxes. These are central points for us and we will fight by making our weight felt in Parliament ”. 

The next Democratic Party was presented by Conte with Nicola Zingaretti, Andrea Marcucci, Graziano Delrio, Dario Franceschini, Andrea Orlando and Cecilia D'Elia. At the end of the meeting, Zingaretti assured that the topic of the reshuffle had not been raised, highlighting that for weeks the Democratic Party has been asking to unlock the firm files, from the electoral law to constitutional reforms and industrial crises (Alitalia, ex ilva, Autostrade) and then sign a real agreement at the end of the term. "It must be put on the carpet, he specifies Zingarettithe issues and issues for a relaunch of government action; from the issues of the social agenda, of work, of businesses but also the great question of health ”.

Il Colle is following with great attention and apprehension the "hot" phase in which the Conte bis government is finding itself. Concerns are not hidden even if Mattarella, according to the quirinalists, would also be ready to accept a quick reshuffle that strengthens the government team, with subsequent parliamentary passage for confidence. But the reshuffle would mean that some ministers would have to resign of their own accord because the Constitution does not provide for revocation of mandates. Here the vulnus, an incident of no small importance. The solution could be to start a government crisis piloted with Conte going up to the Quirinale to resign and receive the assignment for a Count. Everything easy? Pen nothing because there is still the unknown Matthew Renzi, which has not yet made clear its point of arrival. Reshuffle, early elections in full pandemic? In the case of Conte ter, Renzi can count on a large team of senators from his party capable of rejecting the new Contian executive in the Chamber. Maybe Matteo Renzi aims only to make the Apulian lawyer capitulate? To whisper it could be Matteo Salvini himself who, not surprisingly, already speaks of the search for a new majority to lead the country into the most delicate phase, the launch of the vaccination plan and the division into budget chapters of the 209 billion of the European Recovery Plan. A majority with Renzi inside? Meloni would be hospitalized for renal colic. We'll see….

Renzi But, reports the Sole24Ore, said last night to his loyalists: “Will Conte be able to take over the dossiers and impose a change of pace? There are only a few days, if we do not have answers immediately after the yes to the budget law we will leave the government ”.

Today at lunchtime Matteo Renzi will go up to Palazzo Chigi, we will perhaps know, but I doubt, the true intentions of the Senator of Rignano.

But what a reshuffle, the ministers will not resign and then it will be "chaos"