CNEL, presentation of the 9th Ipsos-Flair Report "Community and Cosmopolitan": "The new fractures"

"A country with profiles of strong pessimism and concern on the one hand and confidence for research, not resigned, of new socio-economic balances, on the other".

This is what emerges from an anticipation of the 9th Ipsos-Flair report "Community and Cosmopolitans: the new fractures", which will be presented next Tuesday 26 February 2019 (9.30 am) in Rome at the CNEL (Aula Parlamentino - Viale David Lubin, 2 ).

"The salient feature of the analysis is not the traditional contraposition between the people and the elite but a less schematized and more articulated phenomenon that seems to characterize our society as the dichotomy between the community and the cosmopolitans.", Reads an extract from the report.

"The economic crisis of 2008, the aftermath on the employment and social level, together with the profound and continuous transformations of production models strongly conditioned by technological acceleration, represent the main factor in reading the existing - it is written in the document - The challenge for the future , as highlighted in the recent elaborations of the CNEL and in the new work program for the next two years, it seems to be the search for new balances, new models of sustainable development both from an economic and social point of view".

Introduces and moderates Titian TREU, CNEL president. They discuss it Nando Pagnoncelli, president of IPSOS; Luca Comodo, director of the political-social division of IPSOS; Marco Tarquinio, director of Avvenire; Vladimiro Giacchè, president of CER.

CNEL, presentation of the 9th Ipsos-Flair Report "Community and Cosmopolitan": "The new fractures"