COVID-19: analysis of wastewater, air and environments to predict contagion

Lifeanalytics investigations: coronavirus RNA detected on 5% of surfaces even after normal disinfection activity and in 48% of wastewater from about 100 cities

Swabs alone are not enough to monitor the overall progress of the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy. Analyzes of water, air and surfaces in work and hospital environments can, on the contrary, provide a complete overview on the spread of the coronavirus.

The experts of the Lifeanalytics Group, a company specialized for over 40 years in chemical, microbiological and biological analysis services, have conducted investigations throughout the Italian territory in order to trace the genetic material of the coronavirus on surfaces, water and air, with the aim to provide companies and municipalities with an additional tool to contain the spread of the virus.

The first monitoring was carried out, from April to today, within over 180 companies and health facilities to verify the success of the disinfection activities, guaranteeing covid-free working environments. According to the survey, the presence of coronavirus RNA, on average, was detected on 5% of surfaces even after normal disinfection activity. Although the transmission of Covid-19 from contact with contaminated surfaces is less frequent, this percentage still identifies a risk for workers and hospital staff. A definitely higher contagion risk factor is represented by the use of individual protection devices not suitable for containing the virus. A recent study published in Lancet1 demonstrates how the traces of the coronavirus can last up to 7 days on the outside of the mask. Lifeanalytics, close to companies, has performed efficacy and quality tests on the masks provided to employees of over 50 companies. The tests focused on the resistance to penetration of synthetic blood, the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) and on the determination of the microbial load on the surface. "In this period in which in many areas of Italy the only open activities produce or distribute essential goods, we believe it is important to find a rapid system that allows the analysis of risks and the monitoring of sanitation conditions, both to guarantee production continuity but also to allow employees to work in complete safety - explains Giovanni Giusto, CEO of Lifeanalytics - For this reason our laboratories adopt standardized procedures that allow the results of the tests carried out to be delivered in a few hours ".

Environmental analyzes alone are not sufficient to provide a complete picture of the progress of the pandemic: monitoring of wastewater and air quality remains fundamental. According to the recent activities carried out by Lifeanalytics in about 100 cities, the presence of the RNA of the virus was found in 48% of cases in wastewater.

“International studies2 show how wastewater monitoring makes it possible to predict, even a few days in advance, the presence of an outbreak. Environmental and water analyzes could therefore be a real additional tool to predict and slow down the spread of Covid-19. Lifeanalytics makes its 28 laboratories present in 14 Regions available to companies, municipalities and organizations to offer its contribution to fighting the spread of the virus ”concludes Giovanni Giusto.

The analyzes conducted by the Group's laboratories are based on Real Time PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) which includes the extraction of RNA - RiboNucleic Acid from the samples taken, which is the same method used to identify the positivity of a patient with the swab. This type of investigation is part of “PIÙ SECURO”, a set of integrated exams designed by Lifeanalytics and aimed at analyzing and monitoring the safety of workplaces and healthcare in this pandemic period.

COVID-19: analysis of wastewater, air and environments to predict contagion