COVID-19. First time to the economy ... but the match?

(by John Blackeye) Someone would say: it thundered so much that it rained. The reopening of all national activities, both commercial and business has been imposed on public opinion for months with the continuous hammering of the national televisions that have tried in every way, until tonight to imply that "everything is going well madam la marquise ".

Almost a couple of hundred deaths are a detail that we should not even dwell on now. Only the numbers of the statistics that speak negatively are shown on TV: fewer deaths, fewer hospitalizations, less intensive care. All that is less goes very well and is flattened on the front page to convince sixty million Italians that thirty thousand deaths on our territory correspond only to a road accident in which economics and finance have had to make a forced stop.

In order to find out the number of positives among the news, you have to jump with the remote control from the three or four channels to find out that today, Sunday May XNUMX, the new infected are more than eight hundred. The figure, which is in sharp decline if compared to yesterday's, would give a positive result in absolute terms but we know that this is not the case because today's buffers were almost thirty thousand less than those of Saturday. Therefore it is reasonable to think that the trend of new infected people is equal to that of yesterday which stood at one thousand and three hundred new cases.

The TV, pushed by the system forces, tries to inoculate good humor and hope to a people who for two months have been diligent part and have closed in the house to not feed the contagion of that virus that in the rest of the world is reaping thousands daily of victims.

However, in Italy it was decided that this is enough and that just over a thousand infected per day and a few hundred deaths can be enough to declare the end of the hostilities in the war that the whole world is fighting against the covid-19. What we have already said and repeated, however, is that a unilateral declaration of non-belligerence is not worth declaring a war over, because if on the other side the enemy continues to kill you, you have to deal with reality and understand that the war is still in progress.

But people's heads are elsewhere. Here it is absolutely necessary to understand whether the football championship will be able to resume or not. So the news broadcasts the appetite of millions of "ball junkies" showing scenes of individual workouts of players arriving at the stadium in Maserati or Ferrari.

Politicians and experts, of whom it has not yet been understood what, have decided that this planetary pandemic that no one could have predicted is lasting too long. The virus continues to pass from person to person and moves across continents, bringing all states to their knees. So what do you do if you don't have the power to stop the phenomenon? The national economic and financial system has decided that we can start living. Password: Madam la Marchesa is all right.

The reality is another. The government sings victories in battles that it has not won. Since May XNUMX he has hoisted the tricolor flag on the problem of commuting stating that all the critical issues have not been overcome and everything is under control. Mistaken! People are afraid and are traveling on their own means. When the resources to do so run out, the trains will return very crowded to the improbable turning into lairs of bacteria and viruses that have always been on those stinking commuter carriages, bringing disease between Regions, sacrificing on the altar of earnings and GDP , the poor commuters who have no alternatives.

Today the government announced that Italy will go on vacation. As if the politicians decide the holidays of the Italians. However he made this announcement. So one wonders, what will happen in July when, like every year, all of northern Italy will move to the beaches of Salento, Calabria and Sicily? Most likely, the government will have simply reversed the national problem by moving the outbreaks to the south which have been confined to the north with so many difficulties at the cost of hundreds of deaths a day.

The economy and finance will return to their knees and in the coming winter that we could have faced in safety and with an adequate restart, we will instead have to go back to our home because of those who put money, economy and finance in front from the beginning to human lives.

Hopefully this is not the case.

COVID-19. First time to the economy ... but the match?