Business crisis: commission for the adaptation of penal provisions set up

The Minister of Justice, Marta Cartabia, yesterday signed the decree establishing a ministerial commission, for the elaboration of proposals for the revision of bankruptcy crimes. An intervention made necessary by the different context, to adapt the criminal cases to the changed discipline of the business crisis and insolvency and make them functional, in addition to guaranteeing the reasons of creditors, also for the prevention of the business crisis and the recovery of business continuity

The ministerial commission is chaired by Renato Brichetti, section president of the Supreme Court of Cassation and will have to complete its work by January 31, 2022.

The Commission - in which Raffaele Piccirillo, head of the Cabinet, and Franca Mangano, head of the Legislative Office participate - is also composed of Enrico Basile (assistant professor of criminal law), Alessandro Buccino Grimaldi (magistrate), Massimo Donini (professor of law criminal law), Fausto Giunta (professor of criminal law), Francesco Mucciarelli (associate professor of criminal law), Luigi Orsi (magistrate), Vincenzo Picciotti (magistrate), Luca Pistorelli (magistrate), Marco Riva (accountant), Sergio Seminara (professor of Commercial Law), Paolo Veneziani (professor of criminal law) and Maria Vessichelli (magistrate).

Business crisis: commission for the adaptation of penal provisions set up