Read a book in the taxi, a genial idea in Tunis

The idea is "YallaRead", an online book exchange platform, which has decided to remedy the difficulty of finding books and passing time to passengers during frequent rush hour traffic jams. Now on several Tunis taxis you can read books in English, Arabic and French. "Attention: Ce Taxi contient un livre" (Attention: in this taxi there is a book). It is the sticker that stands on the doors of many taxis in Tunis. The initiative is "YallaRead", an online booksharing platform, and E-taxi, a taxi call service, to stimulate, in this way, reading among the inhabitants of the city who, instead, prefer entertainment on the web but also pass the time to passengers during rush hour traffic jams. Now on several E-taxi cars you can find books in Arabic, English and French available to travelers. The initiative has reached about 500 thousand users on social networks and there are many travelers who, when booking a taxi, expressly request a "YallaRead". In the 2015, Hadhri created the online "YallaRead" book exchange platform. How does it work? It's simple: create an account and share your library, including book titles, the author or the Isbn code. Write down the name of the book you want to read (or the author or the Isbn code), if you are on the site, contact the owner. Ask him an exchange request. Agree on the time and place of the meeting via a private message. Meet your new friend and exchange books. After you have recovered the book, you can evaluate the experience. "Books in Tunisia are expensive and unobtainable, there is no Amazon and people are forced to ask for books to their friends abroad," said Ahmed Hadhri, co-founder of the site.

Read a book in the taxi, a genial idea in Tunis

| Culture, PRP Channel |