Cybersecurity, Corazza to "Digitale Italia": 200 professionals are missing

Appeal to students: "it is necessary to invest in digital skills"

“Nearly 500 professionals in Europe, about 200 in Italy, experts in the cybersecurity sector that the market would need, but who are not there today. The lack of digital skills risks limiting the socio-economic development of the member countries". So the director of the European Parliament Office in Italy, Carlo Corazza, speaking within the web format "Digitale Italia", promoted by the Aidr Foundation and dedicated to digital skills. 

“The European Year of Skills – he added – represents a very important occasion, there are many initiatives launched to bridge the digital mismatch, starting from the training of the students”.

The "Digitale Italia" format ( saw the participation, via streaming connection, of the students of the S. Pertini Institute of Alatri, in the province of Frosinone, a school group for years engaged in the integration of digital technologies within within the educational offer.

"Through the use of the metaverse and in collaboration with the European Parliament and Commission - said Roberto Vescio, engineer and Aidr account manager - since last February we have been implementing the program of the European Year of skills to bring the European Union closer to citizens and make discover European democracy especially to those who vote for the first time. To reach an important number of citizens, we have promoted a public notice to try to create a system between public and private entities".

“Digital skills are essential for the world of work. Our company - underlined Roberto De Persio of Reply SpA technological partner of the Aidr Foundation - is in contact not only with universities, but with higher institutes to intercept excellence, contributing to the training path of young people and supporting start-ups. As part of the European year of skills programme, promoted by the Aidr Foundation in collaboration with the European Parliament and Commission, we are accompanying many students on an immersive journey into the Metaverse, offering the possibility of taking a virtual tour of the headquarters of the European Parliament".

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Cybersecurity, Corazza to "Digitale Italia": 200 professionals are missing