Didacta, Valditara: "For education, an event based on training and innovation"

"The PNRR is a challenge won by schools: 1,7 billion for innovative environments, 500 million for guidance"

"Italian schools have fully accepted the challenge of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. For the School Plan 4.0, by 28 February last, the institutes presented 8.170 projects out of a total of 8.230. This will bring a total allocation of around 1,7 billion euros which will allow schools to be able to review, improve, transform and adapt classrooms, promoting teaching in welcoming and innovative places. It is the challenge of an Intelligent School, in which every element contributes to learning in a serene and positive environment".

This was declared by the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, in his speech at the conference dedicated to orientation, on the final day of Didacta Italia, the main event on Italian schools and teacher training.

The event, which began on Wednesday 8 March, at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, saw the participation of the MIM with an area with desks dedicated to welcoming and providing information on the activities of the Ministry and about 70 events organized including conferences, seminars and workshops. The topics addressed: from the PNRR to the National Digital School Plan (PNSD), from sport to energy saving, from the 0-6 system to the ITS Academy, from the Cinema Plan to collaborations with other institutions.

"A largely positive response from the institutes on the PNRR”, added the Minister, “it also addressed the issue of guidance, which is also fundamental in the fight against early school leaving. Also by 28 February, the lower secondary schools proposed 3.174 projects out of a total of 3.193 on early school leaving, for a total of around 500 million. This investment will allow personalized support and mentoring actions, with which students can be better guided in discovering their own aptitudes. This is the new paradigm, which constantly places each student at the center of the school system".

Didacta, Valditara: "For education, an event based on training and innovation"