Early elections? Not at all on December 9 in the Senate will end in tarallucci and wine

(by Francesco Matera) A sort of earthquake is shaking the M5S from within, four MEPs have announced their farewell, Ignatius Corrao, Eleanor Eve, Rosa d'Amato e Piernicola Pedicini, would be of the current of Alessandro Di Battista. The four former grillini claim that "the air inside the Movement has become unbreathable and the internal spaces of confrontation completely eliminated. The break -  specify - is dictated by the impossibility of enforcing our electoral program. We are firm, we cannot fight against the windmills ”.

The main reason for the discontent among the pentastellati ranks is due to the green light given by Italy to the reform of the Month - the European Stability Mechanism. The Minister of Economy, Gualtieri a few days ago he had dissolved the Italian reserve directly with the Eurogroup, the assembly of ministers of the economy of the 19 EU countries belonging to the single currency. But now we need a parliamentary passage, next December 9th Giuseppe Conte it will give the necessary communications on the ESM reform.

An appointment, however, that promises to be at high tension because in the Senate the government is unable to have the numbers necessary to demonstrate a cohesive majority on the reform of the Mes, perhaps there would be the votes of 15 grillini. The majority can count on today  156 votes in favor of 161 necessary, distributed as follows: Pd (35), Italia Viva (18), M5S (77), LeU (5), Autonomie (8), Mixed (10), Idea-Cambiamo (3).

Beyond the numbers of votes that are not binding for the Mes resolution, the the real issue is the holding of the various souls of the majority severely tested by the cross vetoes of the individual parties.

The situation is so critical that he had to take the field directly Quirinal which, through the lines of the major Italian newspapers, makes it known that in the event of numerical problems in the Senate on 9 December next the only way will be that of early elections. A type of "cold shower”For a part of grillini and not only them who aim to remain anchored to the comfortable armchairs of the two parliamentary halls. Many are those who have rested on their laurels thanks to the paradigm that you cannot go to vote because ofhealth emergency in progress, of the negotiations with Europe on Recovery Fund and of the Italian presidency to the next G20.

In the event of early elections, the already weak reliability of our country towards Europe would collapse, precisely at a crucial moment for the EU economy due to the approval of the Budget 2021-27 to which, as is known, the funds of the Recovery Fund.

At this point the possibility of early elections circulated by the Quirinale among the editorial offices of the major national newspapers, sounds more like a warning to those fifteen dissident grillini making them so guilty of the defeat of the government and the country.  

It is easy to predict, therefore, that next December 9 the Senate of the Republic will end in "tarallucci and wine".

Early elections? Not at all on December 9 in the Senate will end in tarallucci and wine