In an interview with the 'Libero' newspaper, Silvio Berlusconi returns to talk about the center-right government program and does so by touching on a series of delicate points such as the Flat tax but also VAT relief, the Fornero law and rewriting of the laws on civil unions and the bioassay.
The Knight also indicates some possible elements of the government team in case of victory of the center. Salvini would see very well at the interior and Meloni at the defense.
Berlusconi begins by talking about the lists: “we offer the Italians a good team, for the most part renewed. Out of 436 candidates, only 68 are outgoing, ie less than 16% ”. Hence the tax program: “no patrimonial taxation, only the income is taxed and“ in the future the Flat tax will absorb the entire direct taxation ”. As for the home, “our goal is certainly the progressive disappearance of all taxes. We will get there in the course of the legislature ”. The 'Fornero' "is a law that was born as a wrong, hasty, crude response to a real problem", "so many aspects need to be changed, taking into account the overall compatibility of the system: if this happens by repealing the entire law and rewriting a ' other, or by modifying the wrong parts of the existing law, it is only a problem of legislative technique that we will solve in the most practical and efficient way ”. Changes will also be made to the laws on bio-will and civil unions. “This does not necessarily mean returning to the previous situation; with regard to civil unions, it means clearly defining the social function of marriage between man and woman, oriented towards the procreation and education of offspring. On the subject of the living will, I believe that the doctor-patient or doctor-family relationship of the patient will have to be brought back to the center, if he is unable to make decisions ”. Berlusconi then excludes televised confrontations with Di Maio “we would have nothing to say to each other” and agreements after the vote with the Democratic Party and as regards the possible government: for the prime minister “I have many names covered. But mine is not covered at all ”, with Giorgia Meloni one could think of defense“ but this is obviously a game. The real names we will see them with the allies. Giorgia, like Matteo, is so good that they would do well in any ministry ”. Finally, the leader of Fi returns to the Draghi hypothesis as a 'super partes' premier in the event that it is not possible to form a government. “Mario Draghi would be the right person for any job. but there will be no stalemate and therefore the President of the Republic will not have this embarrassment. He will listen to the indications of the party that will have won the elections, that is ours, and, if he has shared them, he will entrust the person indicated by us to govern ”.
Photo: Corriere della Sera