(by Marco Zacchera) Absolutely unheard, I continue to propose a simple but important idea for millions of businesses and families: to block maximum bank rates on current account advances and loans, valid for both domestic and corporate loans. Especially for families, the usual unscrupulous financial companies circumvent the law and often practice usury rates and in the event of default (given the crisis, there are many cases) then incurable debt spirals, family tragedies, seizures of assets, foreclosures are triggered etc. But why does not we intervene by blocking the “para-usury” interests, bringing them to a maximum, for example, below 10% per annum “all inclusive”? Moreover, these are loans often granted by financial companies of dubious transparency, yet it is a chapter that does not seem to interest either the government or the opposition.

But at this point, since the payments of mortgages and loans cannot be postponed indefinitely, a "ceiling" should also be placed on the banks. For example, by deciding that there is a limit on the applicable rate for advances on company “cash” current accounts and above all on the various more or less hidden “items” of expenditure that weigh on current accounts for various and imaginative reasons.

Wouldn't a reduction in real rates around five times that of inflation be more than logical? Here is an idea that could allow businesses and families to survive and banks (the serious ones) not to fail.

Financial emergency