The right center confirms itself united, tensions in the majority

The meeting at Palazzo Grazioli yesterday, between Salvini, Giorgetti, Berlusconi and Meloni, “served to clarify some issues in view of the regional ones. In the area, where the alliances with local representatives of Fi and Fdi work and have brought good results, the formula will be repeated. At the national level, the agreement with the 5-star Movement remains to implement the government program in the next 5 years starting from the economic maneuver and the next measures that the Council of Ministers will approve next Monday ”, these are the comments leaked by the League.

Optimism and satisfaction was also expressed by Silvio Berlusconi who, exiting Palazzo Grazioli, declared "From this meeting comes the guarantee that the center-right is united, works and not only exists but also resists". A Berlusconi who during the meeting on several occasions tried to tempt Salvini by stressing that with the center-right at over 40%, the doors of Palazzo Chigi would open to him and would be the head of a natural coalition, not the partner of a government that now does not agree on anything and seems to be a mess on dossiers that are not at all irrelevant, including the security package that has made him angry a lot.

Temptations cleverly rejected by Salvini who with an "okay" expressing a positive opinion on the pentastellati and confirming loyalty to the government pact made with the M5S.

The statements of the participants and the leaks leaked by the summit, however, have rekindled the tension within the majority of government so that the under-secretary to the presidency of the Council, Giancarlo Giorgetti, had to intervene to confirm the alliance for the government "The Government 5Stelle will work, and well, for all the five years foreseen, respecting point by point the government contract and the desire for change of the Italians ".

The right center confirms itself united, tensions in the majority