Draghi also has confidence in the Chamber with 535 Yes (the record remains in Monti with 556 votes in favor) but also 16 no and 4 abstentions from the M5s, while 12 Grillini deputies did not participate in the vote. In his speech to the House he took up some concepts already expressed in the Senate. Fighting corruption and mafias by guaranteeing a trial "fair and of reasonable duration"In compliance with the Constitution, it is necessary to regain the"trust of citizens".

In a short thirteen-minute speech he takes up the issues concerning small and medium-sized enterprises, justice and prisons. Prisons "are overcrowded," he notes, and the "fear" of contagion should not be overlooked.

From the two days of voting in the classrooms, a phenomenon will affect the balance of the parties. The ferment within the Movement, where there is an increasing air of splitting, raises the antennas of persuasion to the other parties that try to attract them into their ranks to thus increase the relevance in the two branches of Parliament. It is no coincidence that the appointment of the undersecretaries has been postponed to Monday, there will be no deputy ministers. According to the Cencelli manual, it is necessary to wait for the repositioning of those who have escaped from the Movement in order to be able to assign sub-government positions. In this regard, the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni but also Salvini argue that many more will be the defections among the pentastellati during the legislature.

Thus Meloni in the Chamber: "Today I am all with her, you will see when the white semester starts how many daring dissidents will come out ”.

Salvini, on the other hand, he is convinced that many Grillini parliamentarians are ready to join the ranks of the League, also ensuring that they will not only belong to the Movement.

Renzi instead it insists on creating a "house of common sense“, That is to say of the“ reformists ”who in France look to Macron.


Draghi, far from the ambitions of individual parties, dictates an agenda full of objectives, where the fight against Covid is in the first place. Accelerating the vaccination campaign is a shared priority, it is less easy to find the way to do it. One direction is indicated by the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti: "The real bet is to work so that the Italian industry can produce more from us".


The premier has made it clear that he wants to protect all the workers affected but at the same time does not believe that it is possible to protect all the activities that have fallen into crisis. Some will need to be rethought. Tourism is, however, another story: in a country like ours it is a fundamental asset that will be protected, he once again assures us. However, internationalization and modernization are the cornerstones of government action.


Alongside the civil one, he also cites the "criminal" one for the first time. They are a "fundamental public service" and as such they must respect all the guarantees and constitutional principles ". In other words, “a fair trial and a process of reasonable duration, in line with the average of other European countries”.


"The committee of arbitrators denies the stand by of the expulsions of parliamentarians”The committee of M5s arbitrators told Adnkronos. "Today", Friday 19 February, in fact, "they will meet to take a decision" on the expulsions of the parliamentarians, who voted against trust in the Draghi government, "also in light of the vote in the House".

Ferment in Parliament, flattery of the parties to dissident M5S parliamentarians