(by Andrea Pinto) Finally the solution to the crisis has come after a series of stops and resumes the dialogue between the 5-star Movement and the Democratic Party, the Italians will finally have a new government that the media have branded as a "Conte Bis" , or "Conte due"
There are many questions that Italians ask themselves, especially after hearing the speeches of the leaders of the new majority at the end of the consultations; are we sure that the majority of Italians intend to change the path taken by the outgoing government? Are we sure that the new government's program is clear to the Italians?
Zingaretti, addressing the press stated:
"We have expressed to the President of the Republic the Support for the attempt to give life to a new government with a new political majority. We have accepted the proposal of M5s to indicate, as a majority party on the name of the premier (Giuseppe Conte), which was indicated to us in recent days. ... We have confirmed to Mattarella the need now to build a breakthrough governance and discontinuity. ... There is no relay to continue or witness to collect but a new challenge to start, the beginning of a new season civil and social policy".
"A new government that convinces the Italians that there are difficulties but can be overcome by common commitment. Escaping the courage of the responsibility to try is the only thing we cannot afford ”. In the complicated times we live in, shirking the responsibility of having the courage to try is the one thing we don't want and can't afford. We need to put an end to the season of hatred, resentment and fear".
These are the most important passages of Zingaretti ... which suggest that the yellow-red government would be born. The confirmation came about an hour later at the exit of Di Maio that speaking to journalists has removed any doubt. After thanking President Mattarella for the sensitivity test shown in this period of crisis and retracing what has been done and the successes pursued both nationally and internationally, he reiterated the commitment of the 5 Star Movement to maintain at all costs the commitments made in the against the Italians. He praised the commitment of Giuseppe Conte, "There is a political agreement with the PD so that Giuseppe Conte may be re-elected President of the Council and try to form a long-term government. The Its role makes us feel assured about the policies that we intend to pursue as M5s. We have goals to achieve and our program is always the same, the one 11 millions of Italians voted for, we started I work the 4 March of the 2018 and we want to complete it. We will not escape the promises made to the Italians".
Now, for an ordinary Italian citizen, who listens carefully and who gives the right weight to words, it becomes difficult to understand what political agreement Di Maio made reference to.
If we consider that the President of the Council remains Giuseppe Conte, if the program remains the same ... if we intend to keep faith with the promises made to the Italians ... How does all this fit in with the statements by Zingaretti who labeled this government as the “government of change and discontinuity? What do you mean with discontinuity if the chairman of the board is the same and the program to be completed is that of the M5s? The PD has announced that it would cancel many of the measures adopted by the outgoing government which, among other things, the M5s itself approved ...
There are definitely many questions that an Italian with an average culture asks himself: will the majority who will sit in the government in some days really complete the measures to solve the country's emergencies and give oxygen to the middle class? Are we sure that the majority of Italians would not have preferred to go to the vote, despite the constitutional dictates and the blah, blah, blah on democracy in parliamentary representation? and therefore… are we sure that the majority of Italians are really in favor of the agreement born between the historical enemies PD and M5s?
What is certain is that the Italians, listening to the statements expressed in the various videos that go crazy on the net, could be disoriented. They attended the "Festival of lies"And"turnarounds”Which make the nascent government less and less credible.
The seal of confusion was given today by Giuseppe Conte's speech"It will not be a government 'against' but a government to modernize the country and for the citizens. I will create a government in the name of novelty is what the political forces also require. “We are at the dawn of a new EU legislature and we must make up for lost time to allow Italy the leading role it deserves. The country needs to proceed quickly".
"I will immediately get to work for a maneuver that contrasts the increase in VAT, protects savers, gives a solid prospect of growth and social development ”, he said. Conte spoke of "a reforming season, a relaunch, hopes, which offers the country certainty". We will work for "a better country, a country that has safe infrastructures, efficient networks, that feeds on renewable energy, that values common goods, that permanently integrates eco-sustainable well-being into its political agenda, that removes inequalities of all kinds".
"It must be a country of reference in the protection of people with disabilities, which does not allow young people to disperse with external experiences but which is an attractive country for young people who are abroad, which sees a luxuriant South. A country in which the public administration is not permeable to corruption, a country with fairer and more efficient justice where everyone pays taxes, absolutely everyone, but pays less. Very often in the public interventions I have made so far I have evoked the formula of a new humanism, I never thought it was the slogan of a government but the ideal horizon of the country".
We do not read any discontinuity in the narrative but "ideal" wishes that any government of any color would like. It would be necessary to explain to the Italians how to achieve the beautiful objectives that every government would like to achieve in the interest of the nation.