How a sect or "caste" is born

(by Massimo Montinari) The "sect" or "caste" are created following well-defined and tested schemes. Of course, the method varies if there is a "leader" or a "guru" at the head, therefore if they refer to a medium-high (leader) or medium-low (guru) social environment.

Creation of reality

Reality is misrepresented with the creation of a world different from that "experienced" by the victim up to that moment. The prospect of a "new life”, Guaranteed by the leader, who is sewn like a real dress on the victim, makes the same safer and more willing towards the choice she is approaching to make her own. It is very difficult that a professional already inserted in the world of work can get involved, as a victim, by a "leader": this shows that the awareness of a structured reality in the working world in itself is a big obstacle towards the recruitment of the new adept.

On the other hand, young people or university students are more exposed, very distant from the working realities towards which they could be projected and who seek in-depth study of their studies, generally humanistic or legal, which frequently do not easily guarantee them a job placement in a short time. On the other hand, the involvement of young university students of the degree courses in medicine or engineering is different, courses that instead guarantee more easily an insertion in the way of work in shorter times.

The scientific faculties, usually, as happens therefore for the degree in medicine or master's engineering, also for the complexity of the course of studies, leave little time to allow involvement in sectarian groups.

Generally, these are not sects or castes of satanists, but a group of organizations that are not always secret, sometimes masked by the name of "associations" that know what is legitimate and exportable, but who, going to investigate, clumsily camouflage their speculative purposes. and almost always extortionate towards affiliates and their families of origin.

They could be defined as true criminal associations aimed at fraud and extortion against both victims, who in turn become runners against their families of origin, and their families.

As already reported in a previous article, the victim is carefully chosen and each sect, or "caste", is oriented towards subjects who can satisfy the interests of their "leader" or "guru". The "leader" is the spiritual, doctrinal, scientific leader of a group of adepts belonging to a medium-high socio-cultural level, generally inserted in the university or financial sphere, belonging to wealthy families or inserted in the social sphere, who really represent the "Portfolios" of the group.

A close complicity is established between the victim and the followers of the group, who represent the "new caring family", while the "leader", charismatic and authoritarian subject, proposes the "new life”Sewing a dress and following the best practices on the chosen victim by offering easy careers and social insertions.

The caste adepts control their victim, who in turn attempts to climb the pyramid of the sect by demonstrating to the group their criminal qualities with violent acts against the family of origin. These actions are often materialized in criminal complaints that the "victims" have brought against parents, forced to undergo a judicial pillory for crimes never committed.

Of course, this type of apparatus needs the support of consenting lawyers who can support legal proceedings that are certainly not free of costs. Blackmail and extortion are the most congenial weapons that are used, both against family members and against the victims themselves.

The strategy of judicial attacks, both in criminal and civil cases, represents a deadly extortion weapon that the "caste", with its followers and victims, is used to implement to cancel the reactive and defensive capacity of families. A judicial strategy that very often sees the capitulation of families before reaching a sentence.

Denouncing, violently attacking, slandering family members in their work and social life environments represent strategies, often successful, which induce the parents of the self-styled victims to yield to their will.

Creating a group

The "caste" or sect is created starting from a "granfalloon" that represents a group of people who choose or declare externally to have a shared identity or purpose, but whose mutual association is actually insignificant in terms of realization, for better to say it is a proud and insignificant association of human beings; it represents a method of persuasion in which individuals are encouraged to identify with a particular "granfalloon", such as a pressure group or a political campaign, or a cohesive group that is separate from the rest of the world. To achieve it you need to create a "in group", That is, a very specific group identity, which can take the form of expression we are and that it is clearly separated from the non-group "outgroup".

"The sects to make the sense of belonging to thein group they propose initiation rites and to induce a sense of greater distinction with the outside world they induce adepts to feel hatred and terror. In this way, the adept not only bases his security in belonging to thein group, but is happy not to be part of theoutgroup feeling like an elect.

Creating a group granfalloon requires purity (brainwashing) and involves the use of the persuasive technique of role models as the adepts to feel part of the group imitate those in the upper ranks from which they will feel watched;

on the other hand the granfalloon provides the dehumanization of the out-group, also obtained through the control of communications (brainwashing) or using screens as regards the sects with cohabitation ". (Plagiarism: the seven steps of the sects - 28 September 2012 - Dalila Liguoro).

The "granfalloon" technique is spontaneously created in the aggregations of youth groups, bands and companies of friends. These realities involve aggregation with the group with related fees to be respected often dictated by older or charismatic members, or continuous submission to the judgment of the members which leads to homologation as much as possible and to despise, more or less explicitly, those who are not part of the group.

Create growing commitments

Creating growing commitments represents a persuasive method inspired by the theory of "cognitive dissonance" by Festinger. Cognitive dissonance is a theory of social psychology introduced by Leon Festinger in 1957, then followed by Milton Erickson in the field of clinical psychology, to describe the situation of complex cognitive processing in which notions, opinions, beliefs, present simultaneously in the subject relatively to a theme can be found in functional contrast to each other. Among the examples we can have the "dissonance for logical inconsistency", The"dissonance with past behavior trends", "dissonance related to the environment with which the individual finds himself interacting (dissonance for cultural customs)".

An individual who activates coherent ideas or behaviors is in a satisfactory emotional situation (cognitive consonance); on the contrary, you will find yourself in discriminatory and elaborative difficulty if the two representations are mutually opposite or divergent.

This inconsistency is what produces one cognitive dissonance, which the individual automatically tries to eliminate or reduce due to the marked psychological distress that it entails (for example reduction of self-esteem); this can lead to the activation of various elaborative processes, which allow to compensate the dissonance (and restore self-esteem).

"To be clearer, when a subject who explicitly despises thieves finds himself buying an object at too low a price to not guess its illegal origin. To reduce this contradiction, according to Festinger, the same individual may, for example, stop despising thieves (thus changing the attitude), or refuse to purchase the proposed object (thus changing the behavior)".

Cognitive dissonance can be reduced in three ways: producing a change in the environment, modifying one's behavior, modifying one's cognitive world (i.e. the system of one's cognitive representations and their internal functional relationships).

It consists of charging the followers with increasing intensity, so that it becomes increasingly difficult for them to go back and the commitments that are required are often increasingly onerous and sometimes humiliating.
This step draws on the technique of ideological justification and dehumanization, as often to justify their senseless actions and their merciless behaviors towards themselves and towards others, adepts need false handholds to cling to similar to a divine plan not always understandable, which often considers sinners worthy of punishment.

Create a heroic leader

Extremely important is that individuals have a charismatic and heroic leader to inspire. To do this, an aura of charm must be created around this figure, with the exaltation of his ideas and his personality.
Frequently the "leader" is the head of the sect, or the "caste" other times is a deified figure no longer alive (or completely invented) to which we are inspired and this second condition refers to the "guru" belonging to classes low-medium social networks. Of course this figure will be the first role model to inspire.

Send the followers to create new disciples

"The person we most often agree with is ourselves: the person who manages to convince us more easily is us. The sects send their followers to look for new disciples not so much to really have new levers to enlist, or in any case not only for this, but above all to make the old followers more loyal by making them listen to their own words.

In an attempt to convince the other, the adept convinces himself more: this is why sects when they notice a symptom of ideological departure from an adept invest him in the role of disciple-hunting". (Plagiarism: the seven steps of the sects - 28 September 2012 - Dalila Liguoro).

The promised land

To complete the realization of the plagiarism is to keep alive the illusion of a "new life". The important factors for the realization of this technique consist in keeping this promise always as a constant stimulus for the victim, projecting his future in the projected image of the "new life", an image that is removed when the victim no longer works for the "caste ".

The mechanisms for the creation of the "new sects" and "castes" starting from the "granfalloons" involving more and more groups of young people, with their own diabolical modus operandi, today represent a modern antechamber to the controversial world of the occult and to the neo satanism.


How a sect or "caste" is born

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