Caporalato: Minister Bellanova, 199 law works now reinforce prevention

Next week table with Minister Catalfo and Lamorgese

“The hiring is crime. This is demonstrated by the many operations that took place this week in various areas of the country. In the province of Potenza, a criminal network that managed more than a thousand laborers was dismantled, denying the most elementary rights. Law 199 works, now we need to strengthen prevention. Next week, together with the ministers Catalfo and Lamorgese, we will discuss the table on the gang gang at the Ministry of Labor. We must break the chain that keeps workers and businesses tied in pairs to corporals and criminal organizations. Promote transparent, automatic, timely mechanisms for matching supply and demand. Defeating unfair competition and dumping. The dignity of workers comes first. We are not watching ”. Thus the Minister of Agricultural Policies Teresa Bellanova.

Caporalato: Minister Bellanova, 199 law works now reinforce prevention