Instruction. Ministry and Schools against violence against women

November 25, the Ministry and schools across Italy together to say "no" to violence against women. This afternoon the Palazzo dell'Istruzione turns red

Tomorrow at 10.30 the flash mob of students in the presence of Minister Bianchi

The Ministry of Education turns red, starting this afternoon, on the occasion of 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. An awareness-raising initiative for administrative staff and citizens, but also a clear stance to underline the importance of education in respect and the rejection of any form of abuse and discrimination.

With the lighting of the Education Building, which will continue tomorrow, the program of activities and meetings organized for the date on which the General Assembly of the United Nations urges all States to organize awareness-raising activities of the public opinion on the issue of violence against women.

Tomorrow morning, at 10.30, the Ministry's stairways on Viale Trastevere will host a flash-mob, created in collaboration with the Roberto Rossellini Cine-TV State Higher Education Institute. Schoolgirls and students, school staff and families will draw attention and encourage reflection on the theme at the center of the day. Also present will be the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, who will meet the participants and welcome to the Ministry children and young people who have participated in the national competition "The New Red Code - Prevention and contrast to gender violence", promoted by the Ministry of Education and by the Ministry of Justice. After having visited with them the exhibition set up with some of the works made by the participants, the Minister will award the winning schools. In addition, red ribbons will be distributed to administrative staff.

“On 25 November the Ministry of Education opens its doors and becomes a meeting place - declares Minister Patrizio Bianchi - because violence is answered with solidarity, with respect for the rights of every person. We respond with the strength of the community. The school is there, it says 'no' to hatred, to abuse. Remember there is no room for discrimination. It welcomes each person and recognizes the value of each person. We must not underestimate the phenomena that still pervade our societies today. Indeed, we must firmly oppose them. And to do it looking at the long term, through education, the key at our disposal to produce a cultural change towards communities that are increasingly equal opportunities and respect ".

In recent days, students were invited to take an active part in the Day, together with their teachers, expressing their reflections through graphic works, videos, photos, flash-mobs, debates. All the initiatives can be shared on social networks, tagging the Ministry's social profiles, using the hashtags # 25novembre, #giornatacontrolaviolenzasulledonne, #stopallaviolenzasulledonne, #noisiamopari, to unite the voices in a single "no" to violence.

Instruction. Ministry and Schools against violence against women

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