Justice. The decree was signed to expand the organic plants of the judiciary

600 units are on the way: this is the largest increase in the budget achieved in the last twenty years

The Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede signed yesterday the decree that redetermines and expands the organic plans of the judicial offices of merit, in implementation of the overall increase of 600 units of the staff of the ordinary judiciary provided for by the Budget Law for 2019.

This is the largest increase in staffing in the last twenty years. The intervention, which is part of the more general effort to strengthen the hiring policies of the Ministry, aims to improve the efficiency of the justice service, with a view to reducing the time with which the judicial response is guaranteed to citizens.

Of the 600 additional units envisaged overall, 70 have already been assigned to the judiciary of legitimacy with the increase of the organic plants of the Court of Cassation and the related General Prosecutor's Office set out in the decree signed by the Keeper of the Seals on 17 April 2019. merit, a total of 530 will be distributed. The additional units will be used to form a flexible task force, a contingent of magistrates to be assigned to the various judicial offices to deal with extraordinary situations or specific contingencies (natural disasters, sudden events).

The extension of the organic plants of the judicial offices of merit provides for the following breakdown by type of office: 245 units for Courts and Prosecutors, 129 for the Courts of Appeal and General Prosecutors, 25 for the Courts and Prosecutors of Minors , 21 for Surveillance and 2 for the National Anti-Mafia and Counter-Terrorism Directorate.

Quantitative indicators (staff, pending charges, length of proceedings) and qualitative criteria such as the organized crime index and the concentration of businesses were followed to achieve the division between the various offices and the various territories.

The reorganization project has given particular attention to the second degree, to the district and metropolitan offices and to the juvenile and surveillance offices (which for the first time are benefiting from such a substantial increase).

Justice. The decree was signed to expand the organic plants of the judiciary