The showdown in the Movement has already begun, Di Maio is the interior minister

Luigi Di Maio he acts as the Minister of the Interior, takes over the dossier of migrants and dictates the political line to be followed by Lamorgese. This is not a joke, but it is what is happening these days.

(by Andrea Pinto) With the Sicilian hotspots collapsing Di Maio decided to take the ball and intervene directly on a topic, immigration, which has always been the Lega's workhorse. To reveal a very interesting background is Pasquale Napolitano in il Giornale: "The ambition, not too disguised, of the former grillino leader would be to obtain the leadership of the Interior Ministry in a post-regional election reshuffle. A role that would relaunch the leadership of the Farnesina holder. And that would allow him to play an attacking game on a difficult terrain for the allies (never loved) of the Democratic Party. The foreign minister's calculations clash with the doubts and fears of the allies. Conte, who now sees Di Maio as a competitor both in the Movement and in the government, would also be in favor of moving from the Farnesina to the Viminale: it would be the price to pay to end the cold war between the two. But he has to overcome two obstacles: the current Minister of the Interior is protected by the cover of the Head of State Sergio Mattarella and the Democratic Party is against a change in the race between Lamorgese and Di Maio ".

It is not political fiction. Di Maio must necessarily enter the scene with a straight leg. Within the Movement, the "night of long knives“Because of the latest decisions of the Government which, with semantic artifices, is trying to make the MES digest-impose on that part of the grillina team, notoriously opposed to such financing. But there is more. At stake is the leadership of the Grillino party that after the regional he will be called to a radical turning point if the results continue with a negative sign. In front of a Vito Crimi completely addicted to the Democratic Party is Alessandro Di Battista who prepares his climb behind the counter of a bar-restaurant (these days he is working as a waiter ed). There Casaleggio Associates now only a memorabilia remains on the Movement's notice board, in a few pour the money, the Taverna, parked by the Movement, has decided to stop the monthly transfer from last December. The showdown is near and everyone is sharpening their weapons to take the lead of the Movement or what is left of it.

For these reasons Di Maio he understood that it is time to intervene, now or never. Yesterday he continued in his action of "alleged" support for the Government and the Minister Lamorgese. Via Facebook he said: "Seriousness and maximum commitment are needed. The government is compact and is working to tackle the migratory phenomenon. With the Ministry of the Interior we are analyzing every detail. We have clear ideas, no slogans or shouts are needed, but we must act with determination. We are already working on a specific plan that provides for stopping departures from the country of origin; New migration cooperation agreement: seize and put out of use the rubber boats; faster repatriations, even by ship and not just by plane; reactivate the redistribution of migrants throughout Europe; stop the funds for cooperation if there is no collaboration with Italy. There are rules in Italy that must be respected. Europe must also respond concretely. There is no time to lose".

There is no time to waste …… it is just like that because Di Maio has realized that the ground under his feet is very unstable, in a net against the Democratic Party and a good part of the pentastellati.


The showdown in the Movement has already begun, Di Maio is the interior minister