The strange synchrony of the majority: "On the same day trial of Salvini and his security decrees"

An incredible synchrony that of the majority: on the same day they send Matteo Salvini to trial for the Open Arms affair and then shore up the changes for the two security decrees made by the League leader when he was Interior Minister. The final text will be brought to the attention of the local autonomies, but for approval in the Council of Ministers it will be discussed again in September. 

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Millionary fines - from 150 thousand up to 1 million euros - to NGO ships will be canceled. The new text of the decree will provide for an expansion of the possibility of accessing humanitarian protection, in fact denied by the first security decree which abolished this form of aid, one of the three possible for asylum seekers together with political asylum and subsidiary protection, replacing it with a series of special permits lasting one year. The agreement then aims at the revision of the reception system Siproimi (Protection system for international protection holders and unaccompanied foreign minors) and gives the possibility for asylum seekers to enroll in themunicipal registry

In this regard, the Constitutional Court declaring "as unreasonable the stop to the registration to the registry of asylum seekers because it does not facilitate the pursuit of the territorial control purposes declared by the security decree" and above all it provokes a "unequal treatment", because "it makes unjustifiably more difficult for asylum seekers l access to services that are also guaranteed to them ".

The new League narrative

Matteo Salvini and the League return, therefore, to the scene with a new narrative, political persecution through judicial channels. The story of the Lombard governor kept the days warm Fontana (medical gowns donated to the Region by a company of his brother-in-law) and the request, accepted by the Senate, to try Salvini, who will already have to appear before the Sicilian courts on 3 October. A narrative that pleases and that can be liked above all by citizens, that of "Judicial martyr", a narrative that can raise the consensus, inexorably dropped by at least 10 percentage points in the last year. It is no coincidence that the hashtag #iostoconsalvini  has gone viral in the past few hours.

Art. 40 of the Criminal Code, the thrust of Carlo Nordio

Article. 40 of the Criminal Code states: "not preventing the event that one has the juridical duty to prevent is equivalent to causing it". The Prime Minister Conte 1 and all the other ministers are therefore run by Salvini, because they could not have not known. The magistrate made a hard thrust Carlo Nordio on the pages of Il Messaggero: “It is difficult to explain to a disinterested observer the script she followed to bring Matteo Salvini to trial. Of which everyone can think all the evil he believes but which nevertheless ruled for more than a year, as provided for by article 95 of the Constitution, under the direction of the current prime minister. 

Salvini was investigated at the time, but the Senate denied the admissibility, stating that it was an unquestionable political activity. Having changed the government majority, but always with the same premier, the Senate now decides in the opposite way on an absolutely identical situation. The legal arguments of this "revirement" are a meticulous costume jewelery of sophisms. So it was decided, because it was convenient to decide. Once again, law and coherence prove to be empty and naive abstractions ”. 

As regards the alleged kidnapping offense , adds Nordio, on which the Sicilian prosecutors themselves are divided would consist in having kept a few dozen migrants on board a ship for a few days. It is an attitude that may conflict with our Christian solidarity, but which falls within the powers and responsibilities of political management. So much so that Conte 2 has segregated 60 million Italians at home for months, sometimes in conditions similar to those of migrants. 

The hardest lunge Nordio does when he speaks of a legal judgment on Salvini which was irreparably compromised by Dr. Palamara who in a phone call with a colleague Public Prosecutor of Viterbo had admitted Salvini's innocence but had highlighted the need to attack him. 

Returning to the initial reasoning, if Salvini committed the crime of kidnapping, emphasizes Nordio, the Count (1) is jointly responsible for what is called concurrence by omission ”. 

Matteo Salvini, before the judges, will therefore be able to call as witnesses all the members of the Conte 1 government, no one excluded and will be able to ask a legitimate question to the Sicilian prosecutors: "Do you know Palamara by chance?"



The strange synchrony of the majority: "On the same day trial of Salvini and his security decrees"