The European Parliament in Strasbourg does not bat an eyelid at Matteo Salvini's announcement of wanting to build a European League, a sort of populist 'international' that could bring together all the Eurosceptic European conservatives for the next European elections. Faced with Salvini's declaration made in front of the people of Pontida who came from all over Italy, the pentastellati of Strasbourg prefer not to comment. But behind the scenes there are those who remember that the group at the Pe formed by characters such as Marine Le Pen (Front National) and Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch xenophobic movement, now allies of the League, do not even remotely represent the 'natural outlet' of the movement in Europe. Which was and remains more oriented towards dialogue with the Greens or with the neoliberal forces and with those of Ciudadanos. The Northern League MEP Marco Zanni, of the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group (En / Enf) of which the Carroccio belongs to the European Parliament, tries to explain what could be stirred up at the political level. A small 'army' of 6 leaguers out of 73 Italian MEPs. The idea, he says, is "to federate the Eurosceptic forces under a single group", which at the moment sit between the Conservatives and reformists of the ECR and in the Efdd, or Europe of freedom and direct democracy, where there is the British Nigel Farage. "It is clear that going towards 2019 and also thanks to the greater consensus obtained around Europe, the thought and work that the League will try to do is just that", perhaps with "a hundred MEPs". And then there is the figure of Orban, the Hungarian premier who sits among the benches of the Popolari, “appreciated” by Salvini who would like him in his project. However, a purpose that is not easy to achieve. According to the League's MEP, the EPP would in fact have every interest in keeping him with him, despite not a few embarrassments, in order to "thus be able to control him better". An embarrassment that takes the form of the 'no comment' gathered today by the spokesmen of the popular with respect to the statements of Italian politicians in the media "because these politicians make statements every day". According to the head of delegation of the Pd MEPs, Patrizia Toia the Salvinian project is not only "negative" from a political point of view, but is also "dangerous for the whole EU", as the "principle of sovereignty is the opposite of the concept of solidarity where no one gains and everyone loses ”. "I would not like to find myself in the future in a situation of conflict between states, says Toia, you know where it begins but you don't know where it will arrive tomorrow". The president of the EP, Antonio Tajani, in an interview with the Gr1 explained that Salvini's idea seems to him "a lot of national propaganda" and for the League to be with the M5S is against nature.